A few years after the takeover of Scientology by the deep state, they even had enough power to get rid of HASI. The Hubbard Association of Scientologists International was set up by LRH to safeguard Scientology.
In 1977 – a few months after some lawyers claimed control of the works of LRH – they let HASI die:
10 May 1977: Revocation of Hubbard Association of Scientologists, International (HASI, Inc.)
HASI, Inc. owned all copyrights and trademarks related to Scientology. They had been assigned into perpetuity to the Hubbard Communications Office (HCO), a division of HASI, Inc., by L. Ron Hubbard in several policy letters, notably several issued on 15 November 1958. This revocation had the intention to put the intellectual property into the possession of the new management.
On the 27. Dec. 2009 HASI was newly founded in Switzerland by Andreas Gross and friends to support the original goal of HASI per the 1954 statutes:
To establish a religious fellowship and association
for research into the spirit and the human soul
and the use and dissemination of Scientology materials.